カジュアルギフトサービス"giftee"でご利用いただけます/Online Gift Service "giftee"


そんなオンラインギフトサービス大手の一つである"giftee"さんでCOLLECTION 1899 KYOTOを扱っていただけることになりました。単品からギフトボックスまで掲載してもらっているので、ご予算に応じてご活用いただけます。直接会えない人や、SNSでしか繋がっていない人に贈り物をされたい時に非常に便利ですよ。ぜひ一度サイトを覗いてみてください🎁
Have you ever send a present via online/digital gift service? It's a new way to send a gift via SNS, app and emails. You don't have to type the receiver's address or phone number, you just send it via app or URL. It's that simple.

You can choose among several types of gifts; you can choose the product and it's sent to the receiver, you send a e-ticket and the receiver go to the nearest shop to get the service or items, the receiver can choose the service or items on an e-catalogue. There are a variety of items according to your budget.

"giftee", one of the biggest online gift service agencies in Japan, started to deal with our products. If you want to send a present casually, we totally recommend this new service!! 🎁

◉ Casual gift service "giftee"

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