本日、自社ブランド”COLLECTION 1899 KYOTO”(シャンプー、コンディショナー、シャワージェル)の量り売りを開始しました!美容業界では比較的新しい試みになりますが、観光客や地元の皆様のヘアケア需要の多様化にお応えしたく、社長自ら店頭にてお待ちしています。新しいライフスタイルの一環として、バス用品の量り売りを生活に取り入れてみられませんか?
■量り売りのメリット…①好きな時に好きな分だけ購入できる ②手持ちのボトルに詰め替えて、エコに貢献 ③サロンが開発した商品を気軽に試せる
■量り売りって面倒じゃない?→充填・計量ともスタッフにお任せください。また専用パウチを店頭にてご用意しておりますので、ボトルや容器を持参いただく必要はありません。 ※薬機法の衛生基準の観点から、当面は新品の持ち帰り容器をご用意します。
We started to sell our brand "COLLECTION 1899 KYOTO", a series of shampoo, conditioner and shower gel, by weight today. Let's take the eco-friendly purchase of hair & body care products in your lifestyle! The owner himself is ready to refill at out salon.
1. You can buy as much as you want 2. Eco-friendly 3. Feel easy to try the salon products
■ Regular price ¥10/ml ---> Discount price ¥5/ml by the end of January, 2022
■ If you add our official LINE account to your friend list, we'll give 30ml bottled shampoo with the yuzu ginger flagrance.
■ There is nothing annoying! Our staff refill and measure and we prepare the free refill pouch. You can just come over!!

We started to sell our brand "COLLECTION 1899 KYOTO", a series of shampoo, conditioner and shower gel, by weight today. Let's take the eco-friendly purchase of hair & body care products in your lifestyle! The owner himself is ready to refill at out salon.
1. You can buy as much as you want 2. Eco-friendly 3. Feel easy to try the salon products
■ Regular price ¥10/ml ---> Discount price ¥5/ml by the end of January, 2022
■ If you add our official LINE account to your friend list, we'll give 30ml bottled shampoo with the yuzu ginger flagrance.
■ There is nothing annoying! Our staff refill and measure and we prepare the free refill pouch. You can just come over!!