お世話になっているJ+Bはブルックリンの北西パークスロープという都会と自然が混在した、全米でも「住みたい街」として人気があるエリアなんだそうです。そんな素敵な場所に集う現地の皆さんがCOLLECTION 1899 KYOTOに興味を持ってくださるのか、ドキドキしながらも楽しみに反応を待っているところです。
Our products are exhibited and sold at a store gallery "J+B" in Brooklyn, New York. As we haven't approached the US market, it's a good opportunity to carry on a test marketing to see if our products have possibility in the huge melting pot country or not.
We learned J+B is located in Park Slope which is a very popular residential area in NY. J+B always deals with a variety of Japanese craftwork and items with the elaborated technique or the good aesthetic sense. If you have family or friends staying in NY, please introduce this store gallery to them! We believe they'll find fascinating gadgets.