日頃から熱心に勉強を重ねているスパリスト日出口が、ボディ系の資格を新しく取得いたしました。頭だけでなく身体までほぐすことで、本来のヘッドスパより効果を感じやすく、さらなるリラックス効果が期待できます。全身のリズムを整えるために、定期的に施術を受けてみられませんか?詳細は店舗、スタッフまでお気軽にお尋ねください。 ※水・金曜日限定メニューです。
Our therapist, Eiko, got another qualification of body care massage. It's more effective and relaxing when you have not only head spa but also body care massage. Why don't you come to Hisada's salon regularly to arrange the rhythm of your body? *Only on Wednesday and Friday
Our therapist, Eiko, got another qualification of body care massage. It's more effective and relaxing when you have not only head spa but also body care massage. Why don't you come to Hisada's salon regularly to arrange the rhythm of your body? *Only on Wednesday and Friday
- 新メニュー ボディマッサージ 60分 11,000円(税込)
Body care massage (60min) 11,000JPY (tax included)
Only for now: Head spa (60min/6,600JPY) + Body care massage =16,500JPY → 14,300JPY (120min)