本日5月12日付のスポーツニッポン新聞・西部本社版の「情報BOX」にCOLLECTION 1899 KYOTOが登場しています。ウォータークリームが発売されてから、4商品揃ってお目見えするのは初めてです。九州全県と山口県・島根県の一部でお手に取っていただくことができます。
COLLECTION 1899 KYOTO is appeared on Sports Nippon Newspaper in Kyushu Area. It's a sport paper which is regarded to be grabbed at a station and read by middle-aged and elderly men, but it's also delivered to homes, restaurants and companies, and one out of four readers is women especially in Kyushu Area.
The company and product information is shared with their web page called "afn portal site". It's convenient to seek the latest or currently popular items. Please check the site, too!!

The company and product information is shared with their web page called "afn portal site". It's convenient to seek the latest or currently popular items. Please check the site, too!!