弊社ブランドのCOLLECTION 1899 KYOTOを国内は元より海外でもご愛用いただきたく、オンラインショップを増設しました。北米、ヨーロッパ、オセアニアからご注文いただくことができます。説明文は日英で併記、サイト自体の言語も日本語・英語から選んでいただくことが可能です。送料も明記されており、かつ自動的に算出されますので、お客様にストレスがかかることなくお買い物いただけると思います。ぜひ海外のお友達にもCOLLECTION 1899 KYOTOをお勧めください。
We added another channel of online shop so as to spread our brand "COLLECTION 1899 KYOTO" all over the world. You can order from North America, Europe and Oceania. It's written in English and Japanese and the language can be chosen as well. The postage is very clear. Please introduce our products to your dear friends living overseas!
We added another channel of online shop so as to spread our brand "COLLECTION 1899 KYOTO" all over the world. You can order from North America, Europe and Oceania. It's written in English and Japanese and the language can be chosen as well. The postage is very clear. Please introduce our products to your dear friends living overseas!
◆ Online Shop for overseas purchase